Friday, 31 October 2014

Wayward #3 Reviews

I feel like issue 3 is where we’re finally hitting our stride with Wayward and reviewers seem to agree. Check it out!
All-Comic: 4/5 “Key moments are dropped within the book to show that the scope is going to be huge. Needless to say, minds will be blown.”
Big Glasgow Comic Page: 4/5 “Steve Cummings’s art remains fascinating, each and every image is extremely precise, very often worth just looking at in order to admire the detail he put in it.”
Comic Book Bin: 10/10 “Yeah, it’s not fluke. Wayward is one of the best new titles of the year.”
Comics the Gathering: 10/10 “Wayward shows no signs of slowing down and is making its way towards my favorite book of the year.”
Comix I Read: 4.5/5 “This series has been stellar since the start… a wonderful world with a wonderful story.”
Fandom Post: “Wayward’s doing the right things and it’s looking good and building events and I like that the potential villain side is just now really making its way into things.”
Fangirl Nation: “The story is pulling me in and I am already frustrated that I have to wait another month for the next issue.”
Geeked Out Nation: 9/10 “Zub writes teenage interactions and problems realistically while balancing the supernatural elements and world-building. Cummings’ art continues to explore the wonder and horror of Tokyo as well as show the characters in dynamic action.”
Ghost Volta: 10/10 “This is one of the rare occasions where the creative team as a whole works in total unison to put out a truly stellar product.”
Iron Violet: 4.5/5 “Wayward is an excellent book that tells a fantastical story in an authentically-written Japan.”
Multiversity: 8/10 “A well-paced and beautifully drawn journey into the supernatural side of Tokyo.”
Outhousers: “Jim Zub and his crew do a stellar job of creating a Tokyo that feels both real and drenched in mythology.”
The Read Pile: “If you’re not reading Wayward, I really recommend it.”
Rhymes With Geek: 10/10 “Great story. Amazing art. Beautiful designs. Wayward is my pick for book of the year!”
Shadowhawk’s Shade: 10/10 “The art here is pretty damn fantastic…one of the best new comics of the year”
Sound In The Signals: “This is definitely on my short list of favorite new series right now.”
The Telltale Mind: 4.5/5 “There is a little humour sprinkled throughout the book which combined with the beautiful colouring, really keeps the feel of the story nice and light. Overall, a fantastic book and probably the best Image launch in the last few months.”
TMStash: 10/10 “How they manage to keep such a warm feeling in such a strange tale is amazing to me.”
Unleash The Fanboy: 9.5/10 ” It’s a thriller with a heart of gold, where just enough character development and arc progression adds up to a downright engaging cliffhanger. In other words: this release soundly comes highly recommended.”
We The Nerdy: 8.9/10 “There’s also a nice little twist at the end that makes me think this comic series will veer into a direction I cannot predict”

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