Friday, 29 May 2015

Wayward #8 Reviews

Wayward #8 arrived in comic shops this week and it comes with unexpected revelations. Here’s what reviewers thought of it…
Big Glasgow: 9.5/10 “Wayward remains a beautiful series, amazing in its art and equally awesome in the stories, and this eighth issue doesn’t disappoint.”
Black Ship Books: “Zub and Cummings hit their stride early in the series and have only improved since. Wayward is absolutely a book that belongs on everybody’s pull list.”
Brittle Jules: “it’s too early to say anything for sure; all I know is I’m ready for whatever ride Wayward wants to take me on.”
Comic the Gathering: 8/10 “The line work and attention to detail is insane. The colors pop with an intense vibrancy. The whole thing is an overwhelming sensation for your eyes.”
Fandom Post: B+ “It’s a solid issue all around that expands on things, hints at the future, and brings back the characters I wanted to get some answers about.”
Geeked Out Nation: 8.6/10 “Be it story, character, world, or art, Wayward is a full package to grab your attention.”
Moar Powah: 8/10 “Wayward #8 does a lot more of what it does best: getting you attached to each character.”
Multiversity: 8.3/10 “At only eight issues, Wayward has proven itself to be one of the most unique stories in comics today. From the setting to the art, this is a fresh young adult story with a wide appeal.”
Reading With a Flight Ring: “Each issue ends leaving the reader wanting more so that a month between issues seems like almost too long a wait. This book is proof positive that Image really is the home for cutting edge storytelling.”
Snap Pow: 8.5/10 “A solid continuation with narrative nuggets that make it more than what it could have been, sets the case for this to be a recommended addition in any collection.”
The Telltale Mind: 4/5 “If you have not picked up Wayward yet, then you are missing out on one of the best books that Image produces.”
TM Stash: 9/10 “This is a wonderfully written story by Jim Zub, a tale that immerses you in everything about Japan through the eyes of Rori and her friends.”
Under the Comic Covers: “The art in this book has always been spectacular but this one in particular…it was a visual feast. Gorgeous.”
We The Nerdy: 8.7/10 “Issue 8 of Wayward is a pure character piece, with no violent action to speak of. But as I’ve said from issue 1, this is a comic of characters, so letting them breathe, interact, and be vulnerable is wonderful all on its own.”

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